Just some guidelines that have been working for me lately:
I decide what is healthy and unhealthy for me based on my spiritual, psychological and intellectual goals, and what I have observed that works and does not work with other people.
Whenever I come across a moment of gray decision, I evaluate it using guidelines for what is healthy and unhealthy for me.
If any of my actions are not consistent with what is healthy for me, I call attention to it, accept it as my own responsibility, and seek to remedy it with further knowledge.
If I get angry or perturbed, I halt all decisions and judgments until my mind and/or body has had enough time to rest. If rest does not work, I eat a meal. Without rest and nourishment, my judgments are impaired.
I allow myself moments of confusion, ignorance and curiosity without judging myself to be less than anyone else. I follow this with learning.
I buy material goods based on my original guidelines of what is healthy for me. If I cannot determine whether something is healthy for me, I do not buy it.
If I cannot determine whether a situation is healthy for me, I do not participate in it.
If I cannot determine whether an action is healthy for me, I refrain from doing it.