An Old Prayer for A New Year
Let us not speak these words only once a year, or once a month, or once every week, at a specified moment and place, in the presence of others. Instead, let us be reminded of them, and be caretakers of them, with every single breath that we take, beginning now.
May we understand ourselves without judgment, without the burden of our past. May our load be lighter with each new moment, so that we may have a chance to rise up to heaven one day.
May we detach ourselves from material burdens without resentment, guilt, or any feelings of loss. May we stay humble regardless of profit, poverty, or charity.
May we find balance between work and rest, and acknowledge that both are equally important. May we find work that promotes welfare without excess, comfort without indulgence, diligence without pride, and effort without exhaustion.
May we find infinite insight to our own affairs and stay blind to the affairs of others.
May we discover our own purpose and have the resources to nurture it. May we have the time, energy, and enthusiasm to share the fruits of our discoveries, with humility and compassion.
May we have the patience to listen to each breath.
May we have the ability to understand what we hear.