There wasn’t enough of the day to complain about it. The weather wasn’t more special than usual, the mail came in on time, and I didn’t have to wait too long in any line as I completed my errands. I even got a haircut.
But I’m still recovering from yesterday’s allergy attack, and the lingering tickle-itch inside my head, in a place I could not pinpoint, made me want to find something in the world and regard it as negative.
Even though the bed was made, the laundry folded, and a project finished, it is a frustrating thing to pass twelve hours of existence without oscillation.
Most of the day was on autopilot mode, with thoughts that randomly skimmed the surface for originality, settling on what my mind’s lazy net was able to catch, and serving it up during conversation. I have a feeling that I spoke at least three times in cliches, but am now not able to remember.
Days like this, when it ends, I feel cheated.
But at least I have this written, and I can go to sleep knowing that I did my best to stay awake when I should.