George Lucas, Florida and Hope in a Handbasket

George Lucas, Florida and Hope in a Handbasket

First, from the bottom of this page:

link: { “Star Wars” Downsizes }

“Meanwhile, the typically media-shy filmmaker is gearing up to make his own splash on the small screen. He’s scheduled to guest star as himself on the May 12 episode of Fox’s The O.C.. The plot: Lucas becomes interested in a graphic novel written by Seth (Adam Brody) and invites him to dinner to offer some sage advice. Seth is forced to choose between taking Summer to the prom or hanging with George.”

Thirty years ago, George Lucas was mentored by Joseph Campbell, trusted in the storytelling style of Akira Kurosawa, and distrusted the movie “industry”. Now he’s going to take advice from Seth. Pardon my french, but this makes my ass itch.


Next, Florida Governor Signs Deadly Force Law:

link: { Florida Governor Signs Deadly Force Law }

snippet: Critics of the new law, called the “Stand Your Ground” bill, have few objections to allowing people to protect themselves in their homes but say the bill will create a “Wild West” mentality in public, where residents may shoot first and ask questions later.

There should be a new sign before entering Florida: If you suffer from tourret’s syndrome, like to pull pranks, or have a habit of unknowingly getting in other’s people way, you may get shot.


I was hoping to balance this entry by ending with more positive news, but after spending 1/2 hour reading through Google and Yahoo news, couldn’t really find one, except that it’s the Simpsons’ 350th episode this Sunday. Then I Googled “human achievement” and ran into this page:

link: Our Century’s Greatest Achievement

It’s about the 50th anniversary of the International Bill of Human Rights.

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